FOR EMERGENCE , MULL THEATRE - AUTUMN 2020 - Cinematography & Lighting - digital theatre
The Scotsman (★ ★ ★ ★): “powerful filmed images of Mull shores by Jamie Wardrop"
The Stage (★ ★ ★ ★) "Jamie Wardrop’s lighting of Strange Rocks in warm orange and blue is also particularly striking. Together, these are pieces that search for a sense of essential human purpose in desperate times."
A Younger Theatre (★ ★ ★ ★) "Strange Rocks is a prime example of both film and theatre mediums working in complete harmony – director Beth Morton and cinematographer/lighting designer Jamie Wardrop really have delivered the goods. You’ve got some delightfully dramatic close ups, as monologues are directed straight to the camera, but also some full stage shots, heightening the immense theatricality of the piece."
A Younger Theatre (★ ★ ★) "Jamie Wardrop has created a dynamic flow of cinematography that embraces the beauty of a black box stage and indulges in some close ups, whilst mirroring the pace of the text. We know there is no audience in the room, which only heightens the isolation of these two characters."
TheTempoHouse "...beautiful and evocative cinematography and lighting from Jamie Wardrop"
FOR DRONE - WORLD TOUR 2019 - live vj for theatre
The Scotsman (★ ★ ★ ★): “In Drone, the sadness, the unfreedom, and the glimpses of a possible different way of being are universal, and exquisitely evoked through the tumbling cloudscapes and vistas in Jamie Wardrop’s stunning circular backdrop of moving visual images.”
The Stage (★ ★ ★ ★) "Jamie Wardrop’s restless video – sometimes sci-fi, sometimes like grainy military targets, all mixed live"
The Herald (★ ★ ★ ★) "Key to this too is Jamie Wardrop’s barrage of projections, so we initially see things through a drone’s eye view as a glammed-up Giles incants over the sonic and visual assault that blasts in from all sides."
FOR SHRIMP DANCE - CCA, GLASGOW 2019 - live vj for butoh dance
The Skinny (★ ★ ★ ★) "This performance is that often rare instance of a multi-disciplinary production that feels organically fused together with a unifying aesthetic... live visuals from Jamie Wardrop. Projections move between organic and inorganic, between waterfalls and the tile-lined pool Henry is seen submerging himself in. .. it’s a loud yet nonetheless meditative piece of theatre."
FOR THE DWELLING PLACE - HIGHLAND TOUR 2018 - immersive devised theatre
Feature for The National Newspaper
Using imagery, poetry and a mixture of traditional folk music and atmospheric electronica, The Dwelling Place weaves that individual’s personal story around a wider narrative about the socioeconomic challenges faced by the Highlands and Islands.
“These places have also gone through a period of trauma, through no fault of their own in many ways,” says Jamie, who is based in Glasgow while Lewis lives in Edinburgh. “They have been the victims of history, or the victims of either careless or oppressive attitudes towards them and their way of life. Everyone knows a little bit about the story of the Clearances and the crofters revolts. But there’s also a more kind of modern history, of the person who lived in that house, who had to go off and join the merchant navy, as a lot of Gaels do."